This page is frequently updated to show current and planned future availability. Please note that I can only give you an estimate for a hatch date, I cannot guarantee hatch dates. (Shipping available for hatching eggs only).
Hours for farm pick up of live birds are 9-11am every day. (I can leave eggs at the gate for you for later pick up if you let me know before 11am). Please always call, text or email before you come out!
Current as of 02/10/2025
Please note: We can schedule pick ups for a day that works for your schedule. It does not have to be the exact date that the birds are ready.
Female Chicks
none at the moment, please check back soon
Started Pullets
I will have a few pullets six week old and ready for the coop on February 25,
$25 each: Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, Easter Eggers, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Black Australorps
I'm sold out of preorders for this group.
I will have a few pullets six weeks old and ready for the coop on March 19,
$25 each: Gold Star, Buff Brahma
$30 each: Olive Eggers, Gold Laced Barnevelder, Black Copper Marans, Cream Legbar.
I'm sold out of preorders for this group
I will have a few pullets six weeks old and ready for the coop on April 7,
$25 each: Light Brahmas, Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex Links, Welsummers, Buff Orpington, Delaware
I'm sold out of preorders for this group
I will have a few pullets six weeks old and ready for the coop on April 21, $25 each:
Gold Laced Wyandotte, Easter Egger, Buff Orpington, Black Sex Links, White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds,
I'm sold out of preorders for this group
I will have a few pullets, six weeks old and ready for the coop on May 5,
$25 each: Gold Laced Barnevelders, Rhode Island Reds (production line), Buff Orpingtons,
$30 each: Blue Copper Marans, Olive Eggers
I'm sold out of preorders for this group
Pullets, six weeks old and ready for the coop on May 19,
$25 each: Black Australorp, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger
Please reserve your pullets here: Started Pullet / Duck Preorder Page
Pullets, six weeks old and ready for the coop on June 9,
$25 each: Silver Laced Wyandotte
$30 each: Blue Australorp, Olive Egger, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Black Copper Marans
Please reserve your pullets here: Started Pullet / Duck Preorder Page
Cockerels, ready for the coop, available now:
none at the moment, please check back soon
I'm here for pick ups every morning from 9- 11am. Please call or email ahead before you come out to make sure that I still have availability.
Our started pullets are six week old female chickens, vaccinated for Marek's, ready to live in your coop. Our started ducks are four weeks old or older.
Pick up from 9-11am every morning. Please text or call (828) 209 8787 before you come out to make sure we have available what you are looking for!
Pick up from 9-11am every morning. Please text or call (828) 209 8787 before you come out!
Hatching Eggs
(we do ship eggs!) mix and match is ok!
Shipping to US addresses only, flat rate of $20 for shipping.
Hatching eggs ship every Monday. Please let me know your preferred shipping date and if you would like to have the box held at the post office. If you want to have the box held I also need a phone number to put on the box that the post office will call for pick up. Pick up at the farm is also possible (by appointment, to make sure I have the eggs ready for you).
Breed list (Chicken eggs):
Swedish Flower, $6
Silver Laced Barnevelders, $6
Blue/ Black /Splash Barnevelders, $6
Silkie, $6
Breed List (Waterfowl eggs):
Welsh Harlequin Duck, $6
Blue / Lavender American Goose, $15
Price List, 2025
All chicken and duck hatching eggs: $6 each
Goose hatching eggs: $15 each
Shipping (priority) for hatching eggs $20 flat rate, up to two boxes
Straight run (unsexed) chicks from our breeding flocks: $15
Day old female hatchery chicks: $15-$25, depending on breed
Started pullets, 6-8 weeks old: $25- $45, depending on breed
Cockerels: $5 -$15 depending on age
Straight run (unsexed) Welsh Harlequin ducklings: $18
Day old female ducklings, other breeds: $18-$25 depending on breed
Straight run (unsexed) ducklings: Silkie ducks (very limited availability): $30
Started Female ducks: $40
Started male ducks: $15
Straight run (unsexed) gosling: $50
All chicken and duck hatching eggs: $6 each
Goose hatching eggs: $15 each
Shipping (priority) for hatching eggs $20 flat rate, up to two boxes
Straight run (unsexed) chicks from our breeding flocks: $15
Day old female hatchery chicks: $15-$25, depending on breed
Started pullets, 6-8 weeks old: $25- $45, depending on breed
Cockerels: $5 -$15 depending on age
Straight run (unsexed) Welsh Harlequin ducklings: $18
Day old female ducklings, other breeds: $18-$25 depending on breed
Straight run (unsexed) ducklings: Silkie ducks (very limited availability): $30
Started Female ducks: $40
Started male ducks: $15
Straight run (unsexed) gosling: $50
Shipping is available for hatching eggs only at the moment. Blue House Farm LLC is NPIP certified and AI clean (NC NPIP 55-1292) Please let us know with your order if you need NPIP paperwork. Please note that I will not sell single birds if you don't have any of the same age at home with these exceptions: I do sell single roosters or drakes because they usually integrate well into a flock of hens. I do sell single goslings along with a couple of ducklings that they will grow up with. Terms: I will replace day old chicks if they die within 2 days of pick up. I only sell healthy chicks and if a large number of them die right upon arrival at your house your brooder setup is most likely the issue. |
Blue House Farm LLC,
25 Birchfield Lane, Fletcher, NC 28732 [email protected] (828) 209 8787 |