Our breeding Flocks: Barnevelders and Swedish Flowers
(For sexed female chicks and started pullets of a great variety of breeds please see the bottom of this page).
We maintain breeding flocks of Blue/Black/ Splash and Silver Laced Barnevelders as well as a large and very colorful breeding flock of Swedish Flower Hens. These are large fowl birds. We also occasionally hatch chicks from our mixed color flock of pet quality silkies. We offer straight run chicks and hatching eggs from our breeding flocks. In summer and fall we frequently have started pullets and cockerels from our flocks available.
Blue/ Black/ Splash Barnevelders
Silver Laced Barnevelders
Swedish Flowers
Female Day old Chicks and Started Pullets
We receive sexed day old chicks from reputable hatcheries in order to be able to offer a wide variety of breeds. We specialize in breeds that are not commonly available at farm stores. Chicks are available as day olds or we can raise them for you for pick up as started pullets, 6-8 weeks old.
We list available breeds and prices on our Availability page as well as on Facebook. Breeds change frequently. If you are looking for a specific breed of chicks, please let us know or make an appointment to pick out some cute chicks!
We usually have started pullets and cockerels of a variety of breeds available. Please make an appointment if you want to pick out some pretty new birds for your flock or contact us if you are looking for a specific breed.
Blue House Farm LLC
25 Birchfield Lane, Fletcher, NC 28732 [email protected] (828) 209 8787 |